The Hubby And The Writer

November 11, 2021

FlashNano 2021




Day 10: Write a story using 10 sentences of 10 words each


The Hubby And The Writer


“Your opinion please,” said the wife, showing her first story.


Oh, no, I thought, what have I gotten myself into? 


I’ve never been a reader but I’ve never refused her.  Somehow, I survived reading it and wow, talented she is!!


Just when I felt it’s over, she asked, “How’s it?”


I gaped, having already forgotten the plot, but surprisingly survived.


She wrote another, then another and I survived reading them.  As her writing improved and flourished, so did my endurance.


I’ve just survived reading her first novel, a brilliant masterpiece.  I got thoroughly exhausted, but hey, I’m proud of her!!


Author’s note:  The hubby is based on a true life character.  Keep guessing who!!


Image courtesy:  Unsplash


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