The Big Fight

July 16, 2021

Can there be a series of posts from me without  reference to my two favourite topics?  One of them is Cats.  The other one is the Mumbai local train.


So here’s this entry from FlashNano – November 2020..😊


The Big Fight


In times like these, I would just watch silently, without taking sides, not even in my mind.


I’ll simply look on, as one glares at the other.  The other one glares back.


The first one then makes a request in a gruff tone (if that’s possible).  The other one objects to the impoliteness.


The first one then objects to the pointing out of the lack of manners.  The other one snarls back.


The first one retaliates with an expletive.  The audience gasps, even as the other one counters it with an even more colourful one.


It rains colours for the next few minutes, as all the pent up stresses of home life and work life explode and find their way out.


Finally, someone in the audience decides that it’s time to mediate and end the slanging match.  Others chip in to help.  However, this results in a cacophony of multiple voices that no one can make sense of.


This continues till one of the two “warriors” finally picks up her bag and gets down at the next station.  End of “battle.”


The next day, the two are again seated next to each other in the train, exchanging pleasantries with each other and taking due care not to stamp each other’s feet – for neither of them wants another encounter.


Welcome to the Mumbai local.


Photo courtesy:  Alamy




  1. Ha..ha.. I have seen this type of fights while travelling from Kalyan to Mumbai and back. And, each one is different🤣🤣🤣 I remember one such. One lady asked, is this your father’s train…and the other one replied, yes it is. It was gifted to me during my wedding.

    • Ha ha, that was pretty hilarious.. I’m imagining the reaction of the girl who asked the question..😂😂

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